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The age at which a person is considered an adult depends on how adulthood is described in the social context of the individ- ual, and this defining age is changing.The factors contributing to this trend include high housing costs, high divorce rates, high unemployment rates, and the problems resulting from substance abuse and maladaptive behaviors.In recent years however, boomerang kids have evolved, as young adults have moved back into their parents' homes after an initial period of inde- pendent living.Another criterion of adulthood is financial independence, which is also highly variable.

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The age at which a person is considered an adult depends on how adulthood is described in the social context of the individ- ual, and this defining age is changing. Legally, a person in the United States can vote at 18 years.
Another criterion of adulthood is financial independence, which is also highly variable. Some adolescents support themselves as early as 16 years of age, usu- ally because of family circumstances. By contrast, some adults are financially dependent on their families for many years, for example, during prolonged periods of education.
Adulthood may also be indicated by moving away from home and establishing one’s own living arrangements. Yet this independence also varies greatly. Some adolescents leave home because of family problems. In recent years however, boomerang kids have evolved, as young adults have moved back into their parents’ homes after an initial period of inde- pendent living. The factors contributing to this trend include high housing costs, high divorce rates, high unemployment rates, and the problems resulting from substance abuse and maladaptive behaviors. Some young people who are employed ull time receive only minimum wage and are unable to earn enough money to be self-supporting

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