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?which is in charge of the product's sales in Canada and North America.Coca-Cola has adopted the following best practices in logistics:
?Producing goods more frequently, such as once per week Implementing weekly meetings between the teams around the world moving the manufacturing facilities closer to the customers establishing daily communication between the primary sites introducing shared, smooth processes throughout all supply chain actors

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‏which is in charge of the product's sales in Canada and North America.
‏The bottling company sends it to a production facility, where it is combined with other ingredients like sweeteners and filtered water. The bottler then sends the finished product to retail partners after packaging it (stores, restaurants, vending machines, etc.)
‏The Coca-Cola Export Corporation (TCCEC) distributes the beverage to the relevant local markets by working with regional bottlers all around the world.

‏Coca-Cola Logistics Logistics is a crucial component of any supply chain, and Coca-knowledge Cola's of logistics is unquestionably a factor in the success of its supply chain. Coca-Cola has adopted the following best practices in logistics:
‏Producing goods more frequently, such as once per week Implementing weekly meetings between the teams around the world moving the manufacturing facilities closer to the customers establishing daily communication between the primary sites introducing shared, smooth processes throughout all supply chain actors

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