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The disposal of plastics is a highiy visible global problem - from the highest mountains to
the deepest ocean trenches, waste plastic seems inescapable.plastics are
meary indestructible, and yet they are discarded worldwide ona large scale: the world produces
around 359 milion tonnes of plastics each year.This has led to a consensus that plastics
re an unsustainable material.The environment cannot address their disposal at
a speed fast enough lo prevent harm to living bengs.In natural conditions.

Original text

The disposal of plastics is a highiy visible global problem - from the highest mountains to
the deepest ocean trenches, waste plastic seems inescapable. In natural conditions. plastics are
meary indestructible, and yet they are discarded worldwide ona large scale: the world produces
around 359 milion tonnes of plastics each year. The environment cannot address their disposal at
a speed fast enough lo prevent harm to living bengs. This has led to a consensus that plastics
re an unsustainable material.

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