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* wants to marry me but he's making a mistake mother i said i don't love him i can't marry somebody i don't love think about it fanny my mother answered quietly he's a good
* man and he wants to marry you you're a very lucky young woman my mother left the room and i sat quietly for a long time lord glenn fallon was a nice friendly
* man i thought i didn't love him no but i did like him he always talked about interesting things i never felt happy at home with my mother and father but i always felt better when i talked
* to him the next morning when i saw my mother i said only one word yes lordland fallon and i got married the next spring and two days
* after our wedding we said goodbye to my family and left her own three days later we arrived in kahagila and i saw my husband's beautiful house for the first time
* it was near a river and there were many trees and flowers in the garden birds sang in the trees and the sky was blue i stood next to him and looked at it all and i felt very
* very happy come my love said my husband you must come in and meet martha she cooks and cleans and knows everything about the house so we went into the house and i met martha a friendly old woman with smiling blue
* eyes she showed me round the house suddenly i felt excited to be there it was a very happy place women sang in the kitchen men built fires in the living rooms and
* there were dogs and cats everywhere come with me now madam said martha and look at your bedroom then we can take up your bags
* and you can wash before dinner i followed her and soon we arrived at a big brown door this is your room she said and she opened the door i stood and looked suddenly cold with
* fear in front of me stood something big and black i didn't know what it was i thought it was an old coat but without anybody inside it
* i jumped back quickly very afraid and moved away from the door is something wrong madam mother asked me nothing perhaps it's nothing
* i answered quickly but i thought i saw something in there i thought i saw a big black coat there when you opened the door martha's face went white with fear
* what's wrong i asked her now you look frightened something bad is going to happen she said when someone sees the black coat in this house we know that something bad is going to
* happen soon to the glenn fallon family i saw the black coat when i was a child and the next morning old lord glenn fallon died something bad is going to happen now madam i know
* it we went down to have dinner i felt unhappy and afraid but i didn't say anything to my husband about the black coat i wanted to forget about it and be happy again the next day lord glenn fallon and i
* went for a walk together to look around the house and gardens because i wanted to know my new home better i like this house and all the people here i said and i'm happy to be here with you it's
* much better than tyrone my husband was very quiet for a long time he walked with his head down thinking then suddenly he turned to me took my
* hand and said fanny listen to me listen carefully there's something i must ask you please only go into the rooms in the front of the house never go into the rooms at the back of the building or into the little garden
* by the back door never do you understand me funny his face was white and unhappy i understood his words but i didn't understand why he was suddenly a different
* man here at kahagela he never smiled or laughed anymore perhaps the back of the house was dangerous i thought but he didn't want to talk about it anymore we went back to the house without
* speaking and again i tried to forget his words and to be as happy as i was before it was about a month later that i met the other woman for the first time one day

Original text

  • wants to marry me but he's making a mistake mother i said i don't love him i can't marry somebody i don't love think about it fanny my mother answered quietly he's a good

  •   man and he wants to marry you you're a very lucky young woman my mother left the room and i sat quietly for a long time lord glenn fallon was a nice friendly

  •   man i thought i didn't love him no but i did like him he always talked about interesting things i never felt happy at home with my mother and father but i always felt better when i talked

  •   to him the next morning when i saw my mother i said only one word yes lordland fallon and i got married the next spring and two days

  •   after our wedding we said goodbye to my family and left her own three days later we arrived in kahagila and i saw my husband's beautiful house for the first time

  •   it was near a river and there were many trees and flowers in the garden birds sang in the trees and the sky was blue i stood next to him and looked at it all and i felt very

  •   very happy come my love said my husband you must come in and meet martha she cooks and cleans and knows everything about the house so we went into the house and i met martha a friendly old woman with smiling blue

  •   eyes she showed me round the house suddenly i felt excited to be there it was a very happy place women sang in the kitchen men built fires in the living rooms and

  •   there were dogs and cats everywhere come with me now madam said martha and look at your bedroom then we can take up your bags

  •   and you can wash before dinner i followed her and soon we arrived at a big brown door this is your room she said and she opened the door i stood and looked suddenly cold with

  •   fear in front of me stood something big and black i didn't know what it was i thought it was an old coat but without anybody inside it

  •   i jumped back quickly very afraid and moved away from the door is something wrong madam mother asked me nothing perhaps it's nothing

  •   i answered quickly but i thought i saw something in there i thought i saw a big black coat there when you opened the door martha's face went white with fear

  •   what's wrong i asked her now you look frightened something bad is going to happen she said when someone sees the black coat in this house we know that something bad is going to

  •   happen soon to the glenn fallon family i saw the black coat when i was a child and the next morning old lord glenn fallon died something bad is going to happen now madam i know

  •   it we went down to have dinner i felt unhappy and afraid but i didn't say anything to my husband about the black coat i wanted to forget about it and be happy again the next day lord glenn fallon and i

  •   went for a walk together to look around the house and gardens because i wanted to know my new home better i like this house and all the people here i said and i'm happy to be here with you it's

  •   much better than tyrone my husband was very quiet for a long time he walked with his head down thinking then suddenly he turned to me took my

  •   hand and said fanny listen to me listen carefully there's something i must ask you please only go into the rooms in the front of the house never go into the rooms at the back of the building or into the little garden

  •   by the back door never do you understand me funny his face was white and unhappy i understood his words but i didn't understand why he was suddenly a different

  •   man here at kahagela he never smiled or laughed anymore perhaps the back of the house was dangerous i thought but he didn't want to talk about it anymore we went back to the house without

  •   speaking and again i tried to forget his words and to be as happy as i was before it was about a month later that i met the other woman for the first time one day

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