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Career is a necessary part of person's life.Loyalty, working in team and hardworking Career development often involves a process of continuous learning, skill-building, and networking, as people adapt to new challenges and opportunities.Career choices are shaped bya variety of personal and societal factors.As the world continues to change, it is essential that people have the skills, knowledge, and training.Every one dreams of their future career.Advances in technologymay create new career opportunities in fields like artificial intelligence.The aims of career should be realistic, achievable .First of all, I should think of my lifestyle and interests; what I like and what I don't I like if I need a relaxed job or one need to travel.I should study hard to have high qualification .I can attend youth forum that the government provides to youth to help student know more about career, know which jobs are available and needed nowadays.A career is a path that people choose to follow, which involves developing skills, gaining experience.Others may choose careers that offer financial stability or social status, such as medicine, law, or engineering.Moreover the person should have some personal qualities like confidence, creativity, and honesty.In conclusion, people and careers are closely intertwined.Moreover I should ask my family members and people who work this job as they have more experience than me. They will give me a clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages of this job.It provides a sense of financial stability and personal growth.Some people choose careers that related to their passions, such as art, music, or sports.The future career requires some skills like speaking a new language fluently and using technology.It also requires, High qualification, education training and experience.It is important to know that every career has advantages and disadvantages at the same time.This job has some pros and cons at the same time.Being a doctor is rewarding, you have responsibility touse your knowledge and experience to help sick people.However the job of doctor is tiring and stressful .After studying for seven years studying medicine and the human body.I should have a plan to achieve his goals.I think of my skillsand abilities too.This a good opportunity to explore my personal strength and areas of interests.People's career choices are affected by many factors, including their interests, skills, values, and personal circumstances.The doctor works in a hospital and health care centers.The good points of this job is that you can get a high salary and a good social position.The doctor feels satisfied with your achievement when he helps sick people.Sometimes he stays sleepless night with deep thought and responsibility so this job has a lot of responsibility as it connected with people's lives.I can join in a voluntary work a summer job to have more experience and practical skills.When I grow up, I want to work as a doctor my father.The doctor always working.Even you are in vacation you can be called at any time in emergency.It is necessary to plan for my future career

Original text

Career is a necessary part of person's life.Loyalty, working in team and hardworking Career development often involves a process of continuous learning, skill-building, and networking, as people adapt to new challenges and opportunities.Career choices are shaped bya variety of personal and societal factors.As the world continues to change, it is essential that people have the skills, knowledge, and training.Every one dreams of their future career.Advances in technologymay create new career opportunities in fields like artificial intelligence.The aims of career should be realistic, achievable .First of all, I should think of my lifestyle and interests; what I like and what I don't I like if I need a relaxed job or one need to travel.I should study hard to have high qualification .I can attend youth forum that the government provides to youth to help student know more about career, know which jobs are available and needed nowadays.A career is a path that people choose to follow, which involves developing skills, gaining experience.Others may choose careers that offer financial stability or social status, such as medicine, law, or engineering.Moreover the person should have some personal qualities like confidence, creativity, and honesty.In conclusion, people and careers are closely intertwined.Moreover I should ask my family members and people who work this job as they have more experience than me. They will give me a clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages of this job.It provides a sense of financial stability and personal growth.Some people choose careers that related to their passions, such as art, music, or sports.The future career requires some skills like speaking a new language fluently and using technology.It also requires, High qualification, education training and experience.It is important to know that every career has advantages and disadvantages at the same time.This job has some pros and cons at the same time.Being a doctor is rewarding, you have responsibility touse your knowledge and experience to help sick people.However the job of doctor is tiring and stressful .After studying for seven years studying medicine and the human body.I should have a plan to achieve his goals.I think of my skillsand abilities too.This a good opportunity to explore my personal strength and areas of interests.People's career choices are affected by many factors, including their interests, skills, values, and personal circumstances.The doctor works in a hospital and health care centers.The good points of this job is that you can get a high salary and a good social position.The doctor feels satisfied with your achievement when he helps sick people.Sometimes he stays sleepless night with deep thought and responsibility so this job has a lot of responsibility as it connected with people's lives.I can join in a voluntary work a summer job to have more experience and practical skills.When I grow up, I want to work as a doctor my father.The doctor always working.Even you are in vacation you can be called at any time in emergency.It is necessary to plan for my future career

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