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Trip to Japan

I recently visited the city of Tokyo, Japan and it was an incredible experience.There were countless attractions to see, including the famous Shibuya Crossing, the beautiful gardens of Shinjuku Gyoen National Park, and the breath-taking views from the Tokyo Skytree.The organization of the streets was sensational and the punctuality of the public transportation system felt elegant.Overall, Tokyo is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience a vibrant and exciting culture.

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Trip to Japan

I recently visited the city of Tokyo, Japan and it was an incredible experience. The city had a unique blend of traditional Japanese culture and modern technology. The organization of the streets was sensational and the punctuality of the public transportation system felt elegant. I felt really safe and comfortable due to the amount of respect I received from several Japanese people - Men, women and kids as well. There were countless attractions to see, including the famous Shibuya Crossing, the beautiful gardens of Shinjuku Gyoen National Park, and the breath-taking views from the Tokyo Skytree. The food was my favourite part about the trip, with delicious sushi and ramen. Overall, Tokyo is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience a vibrant and exciting culture.

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