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Preventing and lessening the psychological harm of cyberbullying
Education and dissemination of information around cyberbullying will help teach a new generation about
online ethics and morals, encouraging the understanding that anonymous comments are not made in a vacuum and that the victim of cyberbullying is an object of empathy.1- They can:
Speak up when they witness behavior that constitutes psychological harassment.5- Seek support if they are experiencing psychological harassment.Removing anonymity from online spaces could also remove one of the major factors encouraging or
allowing cyberbullying, though depending on the venue may present a safety or privacy concern to all
involved.School counselors and mental health professionals working in the education sector play a vital role in
helping students suffering from psychological symptoms due to cyberbullying.6- Empathy training.

Original text

Preventing and lessening the psychological harm of cyberbullying
Education and dissemination of information around cyberbullying will help teach a new generation about
online ethics and morals, encouraging the understanding that anonymous comments are not made in a vacuum and that the victim of cyberbullying is an object of empathy.
School counselors and mental health professionals working in the education sector play a vital role in
helping students suffering from psychological symptoms due to cyberbullying. It is essential to educate the
students and parents about cyberbullying and psychological symptoms to know how to report the bully or handle the issue when they encounter such circumstances.
People involved in bullying as bullies or victims seem to possess poor attachment towards parents and high
rejection of peers. Seeking counseling or therapy can help with psychological problems and improve the coping mechanism. Empathy training, communication, and social skills can help the individual cope with
the trauma. Interventions like group counseling, role-playing, group projects, discussion, and lectures have a
very strong effect on preventing cyberbullying and helping with the mental health of the victims.
Removing anonymity from online spaces could also remove one of the major factors encouraging or
allowing cyberbullying, though depending on the venue may present a safety or privacy concern to all
1- They can:
Speak up when they witness behavior that constitutes psychological harassment.
2- Set boundaries and assertively communicate their expectations to others.
4- Refuse to participate in or tolerate behavior that is harassing.
5- Seek support if they are experiencing psychological harassment.
6- Empathy training. 7-communication and social skills can help the individual cope with the trauma. 8-Interventions like group counseling role-playing, group projects and discussion
9- Lectures have a very strong effect on preventing cyberbullying and helping with the mental health of the victims.

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