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Summarize result (74%)

Our Amman Bus application will help users to know the nearest stop of Amman bus from the location of the user and the best way to reach their destination, and all the stops in their way as well as the route that the buss will pass through, also the application is user friendly meaning it can be easily used by tourists, old people as well as the youngest, regarding the admin website it is designed to make it easier for the admin to adjust and update the database information that will eventually affect the application.

Original text

Our Amman Bus application will help users to know the nearest stop of Amman bus from the location of the user and the best way to reach their destination, and all the stops in their way as well as the route that the buss will pass through, also the application is user friendly meaning it can be easily used by tourists, old people as well as the youngest, regarding the admin website it is designed to make it easier for the admin to adjust and update the database information that will eventually affect the application.

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