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Dr.To name a few; Arab scientist of the year by Techwadi in 2007, recipient of the R&D 100 in 2003 and Frost Sullivan Award in 2013, and the opening of the Nasdaq in 2007.And from 1991 to 1996, he worked for the NEC Central Research Laboratories in Tokyo Japan and, before that, for IBM Watson Research Center in New York working on the applications of lasers in microelectronics.He has authored numerous technical publications, has also participated in many conferences worldwide and was recognized in many occasions.His latest activities while heading the Mobile R&D division include developing 3D technologies for mobiles and servers.Dr. Haba Holds a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering in 1988 from Stanford University, California in the field of solar energy.Belgacem Haba was born in 1957 in El-Meghaier wilaya d'El-Oued.He obtained also two master's degrees in applied physics and materials science and both from Stanford University.Dr. Haba also co-founded SiliconPipe 2002, a high-speed interconnect Start-up Company based in Silicon Valley that got acquired by Samsung.Prior to that, he managed the advanced packaging R&D division at Rambus.And he received his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Bab-Ezzouar, Algeria in 1980.Dr. Haba joined Google Data Center Platform in 2013.Prior He was Vice President and Senior Fellow at Tessera/Invensas since 1996.Dr. Haba holds 200+ U.S. patents, and 250+ worldwide patents.In 2012 he was listed among the top 100 inventors worldwide.

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Dr. Belgacem Haba was born in 1957 in El-Meghaier wilaya d’El-Oued. Dr. Haba joined Google Data Center Platform in 2013. Prior He was Vice President and Senior Fellow at Tessera/Invensas since 1996. His latest activities while heading the Mobile R&D division include developing 3D technologies for mobiles and servers.

Dr. Haba also co-founded SiliconPipe Inc. in 2002, a high-speed interconnect Start-up Company based in Silicon Valley that got acquired by Samsung. Prior to that, he managed the advanced packaging R&D division at Rambus. And from 1991 to 1996, he worked for the NEC Central Research Laboratories in Tokyo Japan and, before that, for IBM Watson Research Center in New York working on the applications of lasers in microelectronics. Dr. Haba Holds a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering in 1988 from Stanford University, California in the field of solar energy. He obtained also two master’s degrees in applied physics and materials science and both from Stanford University. And he received his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Bab-Ezzouar, Algeria in 1980. Dr. Haba holds 200+ U.S. patents, and 250+ worldwide patents. In 2012 he was listed among the top 100 inventors worldwide. He has authored numerous technical publications, has also participated in many conferences worldwide and was recognized in many occasions. To name a few; Arab scientist of the year by Techwadi in 2007, recipient of the R&D 100 in 2003 and Frost Sullivan Award in 2013, and the opening of the Nasdaq in 2007.

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