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Knowledge is increasingly being recognized as the new strategic imperative of organizations.It has been shown that the organization that shares knowledge among its management and staff grows stronger and becomes more competitive.The most established paradigm is that knowledge is power.Therefore, one has to hoard it, keep it to oneself to maintain an advantage.Today, knowledge is still considered power - an enormous power in fact - but the understanding has changed considerably, particularly from the perspective of organizations.For example, numbers like 5 or 100, without any context, are mere data.Without reference to either space or time, these numbers or data are meaningless points in space and time.The common attitude of most people is to hold on to one's knowledge since it is what makes him or her an asset to the organization.What is knowledge?

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Knowledge is increasingly being recognized as the new strategic imperative of organizations. The most established paradigm is that knowledge is power. Therefore, one has to hoard it, keep it to oneself to maintain an advantage. The common attitude of most people is to hold on to one’s knowledge since it is what makes him or her an asset to the organization. Today, knowledge is still considered power – an enormous power in fact – but the understanding has changed considerably, particularly from the perspective of organizations. The new paradigm is that within the organization knowledge must be shared in order for it to grow. It has been shown that the organization that shares knowledge among its management and staff grows stronger and becomes more competitive. This is the core of knowledge management – the sharing of knowledge.
Understanding Knowledge
In order to comprehend knowledge management, it is necessary to first understand the concept of knowledge. What is knowledge? How is it different from information? And how is information different from mere data?
We begin with data. What is data? Data is a number or word or letter without any context. For example, numbers like 5 or 100, without any context, are mere data. Without reference to either space or time, these numbers or data are meaningless points in space and time. The key phrase here is “out of context”. And since it is out of context then it has no meaningful relation to anything else.
A mere collection of data is not information. This means that if there is no relation between the pieces of data, then it is not information. What makes a collection of data information is the understanding of the relationships

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