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The perception of Reem was that she would be among the ones taking the training course.While the motives of Reem behind the insistence on attending that course are centered around the benefit that can gain when she attends that course and also the interest in taking an opportunity that she believes as being one of her rights in the workplace.This perception is due to the common norms in the workplace and because based on these norms she has the right of being selected to participate in that training.

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The perception of Reem was that she would be among the ones taking the training course. This perception is due to the common norms in the workplace and because based on these norms she has the right of being selected to participate in that training. Another cause for that perception of Reem is that such training courses are not assigned for the bosses, but for the employees at her level. While the motives of Reem behind the insistence on attending that course are centered around the benefit that can gain when she attends that course and also the interest in taking an opportunity that she believes as being one of her rights in the workplace.
For the boss, his perceptions include that there is no formal schedule for distributing the training opportunities, so Reem does not have a specific right in attending that course or in the complaining around not being selected to attend. While the motive of the boss to attend the course is that he wanted to get the benefit of learning from professionals in his field and to get a certificate that he can add to his CV and qualifications

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