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in their 60s, 70s or 80s.But for the benefit of future generations, I believe rapid globalization, when fewer young people are we must never stop trying5 Both Jeju Haenyeo and falconry illustrate the tremendous range of cultural practices which the ICH list was created to preserve.Falconry is practised around the world from France to Mongolia to the United Arab Emirates, which is home to the world's first falcon hospital and each year hosts a falcon 'beauty contest'.In this age of interested in learning about the customs of their ancestors, it may already be too late to preserve much of our diverse and precious cultural heritage.And yet, while most of us would agree that UNESCO's efforts are valuable, I find myself questioning the fairness and usefulness of the ICH list.

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in their 60s, 70s or 80s. As they have become older, younger women have not stepped in to within families. Yet today, most of the divers are take their place, meaning the practice is in danger of disappearing 4 Another cultural practice added to the ICH list in the same year is falconry. This is the ancient custom of hunting with trained birds of prey. such as falcons and hawks. Regarded as both an art form and a sport, it requires years of training and discipline. Falconry is practised around the world from France to Mongolia to the United Arab Emirates, which is home to the world's first falcon hospital and each year hosts a falcon 'beauty contest'. Sadly, falconry is now threatened by the growth of cities and the loss of natural habitats. There are fears that the practice may disappear unless efforts to preserve it are successful. 5 Both Jeju Haenyeo and falconry illustrate the tremendous range of cultural practices which the ICH list was created to preserve. And yet, while most of us would agree that UNESCO's efforts are valuable, I find myself questioning the fairness and usefulness of the ICH list. Why are some Customs and practices included while others are por? Who decides this? Does inclusion on the list make difference in the long term? In this age of interested in learning about the customs of their ancestors, it may already be too late to preserve much of our diverse and precious cultural heritage. But for the benefit of future generations, I believe rapid globalization, when fewer young people are we must never stop trying

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