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While living in a multicultural society, there is impossibility of purity in a conventional sense.The research shows how Smith's White Teeth celebrates cultural tolerance and humanitarian values among characters.Smith's use of multicultural ethos as a liberating strategy that enables her to re interpret Britain's multicultural construction and at the same time she is able to present the cultural, historical and geographical contexts to a border interrogation of

the human relationship.Even though Smith's characters have difficulties in negotiating the different components of their lives, as a consequence of their inability to accept ambivalence, negotiation seems to be of fundamental importance within the world in which they live.The characters of the novel identify their authentic self through mingling of the past and present, a rootedness which clings to both personal histories and present circumstances.In fact, in White Teeth characters of different cultures, races and ethnicities have encountered in each other because they want cultural harmony that would not

discriminate each other.To sum up, the novel White Teeth is a mixture of English, Asian and Jamaican languages.There is mixture of genres, mixture of reality and fantasy is the essence multiculturalism of the Zadie Smith's novel.Many critical evaluations proved that the novel has tended to center on its multicultural appeal to the aesthetic of difference and to the politics of authentic self.This is a novel written in the shadow of post-war period of Britain where immigrants from different countries make new cultural practices.The contact between roots and routes necessarily requires a negotiation in order to shape identity and to interact with others.She criticizes the earlier notion of multiculturalism, which is supposed to celebrate liberalism and equality.The ideal multicultural society lies somewhere in the future where roots are not suppressed, but where they simply do not matter anymore.Therefore, a negotiation appears to be essential when dealing with the issue of identity formation and consequently also with one's relationship with others.Smith shifts the focus from the hegemony of whites cannot give space to practice the others original cultural values.She succeeds in achieving a vision that construction of plural and multicultural society.In the name of liberation and equal opportunity to the immigrants, they were hegemonized by the whites.She attempts to raise minorities' cultural values and give them space to develop their lives as who they are.The conflict comes to form a consciousness in the characters specially immigrants children.In order to bring the closeness between the characters, the writer reconciles through understanding.Smith also presents the complexities and dark side of multicultural society and tries to find the resolution to have a better life.Smith's views are close to the unity in diversity.In this way, Smith's novel presents the immigrants in Britain.They have to follow the cultural values of whites so that they would be civilized.However, Smith in the novel portrays the real experience of immigrants and tries to give justice on them.There is a conflict while finding the differences among various cultures.

Original text

While living in a multicultural society, there is impossibility of purity in a conventional sense. The ideal multicultural society lies somewhere in the future where roots are not suppressed, but where they simply do not matter anymore. It is only in this society, where one does not truly know or does not really care who one is came from and why one is here, that acquires the freedom to be and live. The characters of the novel identify their authentic self through mingling of the past and present, a rootedness which clings to both personal histories and present circumstances.
In fact, in White Teeth characters of different cultures, races and ethnicities have encountered in each other because they want cultural harmony that would not

discriminate each other. Smith further illustrates the understanding each other's culture well. The characters in one or another way struggle to adjust in each other's culture. In order to bring the closeness between the characters, the writer reconciles through understanding.
Even though Smith's characters have difficulties in negotiating the different components of their lives, as a consequence of their inability to accept ambivalence, negotiation seems to be of fundamental importance within the world in which they live. The contact between roots and routes necessarily requires a negotiation in order to shape identity and to interact with others. Therefore, a negotiation appears to be essential when dealing with the issue of identity formation and consequently also with one's relationship with others.
To sum up, the novel White Teeth is a mixture of English, Asian and Jamaican languages. There is mixture of genres, mixture of reality and fantasy is the essence multiculturalism of the Zadie Smith's novel. Smith also presents the complexities and dark side of multicultural society and tries to find the resolution to have a better life. Many critical evaluations proved that the novel has tended to center on its multicultural appeal to the aesthetic of difference and to the politics of authentic self.
This is a novel written in the shadow of post-war period of Britain where immigrants from different countries make new cultural practices. Smith shifts the focus from the hegemony of whites cannot give space to practice the others original cultural values. That is why, she gives equal values to all cultures existed in the multicultural society.
Smith's use of multicultural ethos as a liberating strategy that enables her to re interpret Britain's multicultural construction and at the same time she is able to present the cultural, historical and geographical contexts to a border interrogation of

the human relationship. She succeeds in achieving a vision that construction of plural and multicultural society. Smith's views are close to the unity in diversity.
In this way, Smith's novel presents the immigrants in Britain. She criticizes the earlier notion of multiculturalism, which is supposed to celebrate liberalism and equality. In the name of liberation and equal opportunity to the immigrants, they were hegemonized by the whites. They have to follow the cultural values of whites so that they would be civilized. However, Smith in the novel portrays the real experience of immigrants and tries to give justice on them. She attempts to raise minorities' cultural values and give them space to develop their lives as who they are. There is a conflict while finding the differences among various cultures. The conflict comes to form a consciousness in the characters specially immigrants children. The research shows how Smith's White Teeth celebrates cultural tolerance and humanitarian values among characters.

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