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The project we are doing is an attempt to inspire our commissioning party, TOPlife.
Their main goal is to help people of all kinds in their career; getting the best out of themselves. For this project, our commissioning party specifically asked us to focus on reaching out to people between the age of eighteen and twenty-four.

Our project group consist of seven energetic, innovative and creative first-year ILS students between the age of seventeen and twenty-three.

Our method of investigation is to find eighteen signals, nine in the health sector and nine signals in other sectors. From these eighteen signals we choose five main signals, which are most relevant to our commissioning party and inspire them the most. We analyse all of our signals, but go further into research onto the five main ones. We analyze the signals by describing them, looking into the possible values and needs and their future relevance.

To further explain the used conception of a signal; a signal is a manifestation of a potential new trend. Each signal has underlying values and needs, and can be categorized in one or multiple of the following sectors; health, leisure, appearance, food, human movement and living. We explain more about these forces in our STEEP analysis. A signal is no longer relevant to us if it has appeared longer than a year ago. A trendspot can be a new idea, product or anything that proves a shift in society.

Quality of life is a very dynamic term. It is a phenomenon changing with time and space. We base our project on the following definition; ‘quality of life is the degree to which a set of characteristics of human life meets the demands placed upon it’

Original text

The project we are doing is an attempt to inspire our commissioning party, TOPlife. Their main goal is to help people of all kinds in their career; getting the best out of themselves. For this project, our commissioning party specifically asked us to focus on reaching out to people between the age of eighteen and twenty-four.

Our project group consist of seven energetic, innovative and creative first-year ILS students between the age of seventeen and twenty-three.

Our method of investigation is to find eighteen signals, nine in the health sector and nine signals in other sectors. From these eighteen signals we choose five main signals, which are most relevant to our commissioning party and inspire them the most. We analyse all of our signals, but go further into research onto the five main ones. We analyze the signals by describing them, looking into the possible values and needs and their future relevance.

To further explain the used conception of a signal; a signal is a manifestation of a potential new trend. Each signal has underlying values and needs, and can be categorized in one or multiple of the following sectors; health, leisure, appearance, food, human movement and living. We explain more about these forces in our STEEP analysis. A signal is no longer relevant to us if it has appeared longer than a year ago. A trendspot can be a new idea, product or anything that proves a shift in society.

Quality of life is a very dynamic term. It is a phenomenon changing with time and space. We base our project on the following definition; ‘quality of life is the degree to which a set of characteristics of human life meets the demands placed upon it’

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