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They weren't keeping up with the times.Their user interface and user experience (UI/UX) were abysmal.The user interface was much terrible than the Nokia 6680 I got back in 2004.Android was always far superior, and blackberry apps could be converted to function on Android OS with simple code changes (both JAVA based I do believe).Rather than allowing BBM to be loaded on non-BB smartphones, they kept it as a Blackberry-only app.Blackberry opted not to introduce full touchscreen real smartphones, whereas Apple did.They were so determined to promote their own operating system that they didn't switch to Android until lately.They hoped BBM would save them when they started freefalling through the market and reached terminal velocity...Their gadgets' build quality was completely, horribly terrible.They felt that their physical keyboard will always be desirable, and that consumers would not abandon them because of their (short) market supremacy before to the iPhone's arrival.Rather than concede loss, they believed they could make a return despite all the evidence against them, so they continued to work and put out products based on their own ideology rather than making arrangements to start again (which would have been fruitless anyhow).Every blackberry that existed earlier to 2010/11, perhaps even 2012, was broken.Their operating system was unreliable.Consider PIN messaging.How?

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They weren't keeping up with the times.Their user interface and user experience (UI/UX) were abysmal.The user interface was much terrible than the Nokia 6680 I got back in 2004.Android was always far superior, and blackberry apps could be converted to function on Android OS with simple code changes (both JAVA based I do believe).Rather than allowing BBM to be loaded on non-BB smartphones, they kept it as a Blackberry-only app.Blackberry opted not to introduce full touchscreen real smartphones, whereas Apple did.They were so determined to promote their own operating system that they didn't switch to Android until lately.They hoped BBM would save them when they started freefalling through the market and reached terminal velocity...Their gadgets' build quality was completely, horribly terrible.They felt that their physical keyboard will always be desirable, and that consumers would not abandon them because of their (short) market supremacy before to the iPhone's arrival.Rather than concede loss, they believed they could make a return despite all the evidence against them, so they continued to work and put out products based on their own ideology rather than making arrangements to start again (which would have been fruitless anyhow).Every blackberry that existed earlier to 2010/11, perhaps even 2012, was broken.Their operating system was unreliable.Consider PIN messaging.How?

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