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:Content of research poster Introduction: Include only the need
to-know information to set up the background and context.The format should be in your discipline's typical citation style (e.g., APA, AMA, Nature).Methods: Describe your experimental set-up and protocol.References: Include citations for any works you have referenced.Use a bibliography and embedded citations.Showcase your figures and charts.

Original text

:Content of research poster Introduction: Include only the need
to-know information to set up the background and context.

Methods: Describe your experimental set-up and protocol. Consider using a figure or flowchart as a summary piece.

Results: This is the focus of the poster. Describe the results and analysis. Showcase your figures and charts. Remember to include figure captions to facilitate understanding.

Discussion and Conclusion: Explain
what the results mean in a broader context. Refer back to your results and hypothesis. You can connect your findings to future opportunities for research.

References: Include citations for any works you have referenced. Use a bibliography and embedded citations. The format should be in your discipline's typical citation style (e.g., APA, AMA, Nature).

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