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I hope and pray to God that we remain friends and stay together throughout our lives.Those who told me that they are hateful girls only expressed everything in my heart, and what was in my heart was not enough, but I will bring it out with the coming and more beautiful days, God willing.I love you, haha.

Original text

I hope and pray to God that we remain friends and stay together throughout our lives. I love you, and if you leave me and move to another school, I will return alone and will not be friends with anyone after you. I love you and know that I am with you in good and bad things, and I hope that you will be by my side when I need you and that you will not disappear from me and become like words. Those who told me that they are hateful girls only expressed everything in my heart, and what was in my heart was not enough, but I will bring it out with the coming and more beautiful days, God willing. I love you, and as I write, tears come to my eyes. I love you, haha.

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