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Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the global concern with debilitating effects on daily living

activities (Khalil ol al., 2015: Derks et al., 2017; Dahiya et al. 2016).

Original text

Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the global concern with debilitating effects on daily living

activities (Khalil ol al., 2015: Derks et al., 2017; Dahiya et al. 2016). While some reports

indicate deckning tren as in the incidence (2hang et al., 2021), the disease still remain as a critical health concern for women across the globe (Derks et al 2017: Zhang et al 2021), The World Health Organization (Zhang et al., 2021) ranks CC is one of the leading types of cancer affecting women. Reports (Arbyn et al 2020: Brisson et al., 2020: Arbyn et al, 2021; Singh et al, 2012) show that more than half a million new cases are diagnosen each year, with approximately 20% of deaths occurring in poor and developing countries Shrestha of al. (2018) confermed that invasive CC is one of the foremost causes of death among women worldwidu.

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