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Social Media is the language of the age because it is linked to all communities, cultures and languages, so it is a new common language used by all large and small, and proved more effective than the primitive means of communication, such as old telephone or post offices through the treatment of the defects that existed in all other means such as speed or continuous communication and the possibility of seeing others and the combination in one connection with other parties.

Original text

Social Media is the language of the age because it is linked to all communities, cultures and languages, so it is a new common language used by all large and small, and proved more effective than the primitive means of communication, such as old telephone or post offices through the treatment of the defects that existed in all other means such as speed or continuous communication and the possibility of seeing others and the combination in one connection with other parties.

And social media more evolved when you can register your comments and ideas and follow other people with a good cultural thoughts.

So social media is the language of the age despite the disadvantages such as addiction and severe wasting time, but at the same time there are those who benefit and develop continuously whom their work through it or learn scientific or psychological materials.

So social media will continue to evolve to the needs of individuals and it is a successful project for those who are thinking of doing marketing business for their own.

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