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The solid organs -- pancreas, liver, and gallbladder -- add various products into the mix.Enter your email
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The journey of digestion
In humans, the gastrointestinal tract (also called the alimentary canal) is around 8 meters long.Aside from the solid and hollow organs, the nervous and circulatory systems are also important in digestion, as are the bacteria that live in the gut.Get our free daily newsletter
Expect in-depth, science-backed toplines of our best stories every day.Chemical digestion -- food is broken down by acids and enzymes into its basic units.Digestion is often broken down into two types:
Mechanical digestion -- food is physically broken into smaller parts.For instance, by
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The solid organs — pancreas, liver, and gallbladder — add various products into the mix.
Aside from the solid and hollow organs, the nervous and circulatory systems are also important in digestion, as are the bacteria that live in the gut.
Digestion is often broken down into two types:
Mechanical digestion — food is physically broken into smaller parts. For instance, by
Chemical digestion — food is broken down by acids and enzymes into its basic units.
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Expect in-depth, science-backed toplines of our best stories every day. Tap in and keep your curiosity satisfied.
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The journey of digestion
In humans, the gastrointestinal tract (also called the alimentary canal) is around 8 meters long. One writer describes it as “the most important and least lovely waterway on Earth.” Below, we describe the journey of a mouthful of food:
The mouth
Digestion begins even before the food enters the mouth. The smell, or even the thought of food, starts the production of saliva by the salivary glands. Once the food

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