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Currently, the world depends on technology and everyone from the young to the old seem to be

deeply involved.With technological improvements getting

churned out every day, people have managed to do a lot more work with a lot less effort.The integration of technological innovations into different

facets of our lives has indeed helped to transform the world and to improve efficiency in almost

everything we do. Technology takes different forms and nowadays people provide various

descriptions about it and a majority of these are dependent on what or how it has been effective in

one's job.Efficiency simply denotes being

effective or conducting oneself in a way that completely depicts one's input.It is true that it has impacted all sectors of the

society and even helped to increase efficiency and effectiveness.Technological ideas keep getting unleashed as the world becomes more involved in exploring and

utilizing the resources nature provides.With improvement in Internet speeds, people have been able to converse and conduct

meetings with their counterparts from different parts of the world.With the invention of bullet trains, people

are being transported to their areas of occupation at great speeds. However, some people also say

that it induces laziness and can cause people to focus more on the fun side of it (social media,

streaming movies and videos) instead of working and using one's time well.Secondly, technology nowadays is improvement of efficiency.However, the advent of technology and the improvement of the manual systems to automatic

meant that more could be achieved with less people.Companies have also been able to reduce the cost of working which means that profits have

increased significantly over the years.While the above is

true in some people, one cannot dispute the fact that technology has helped to improve our lives

and to change things for the better.People have become increasingly competitive and every year, new ideas and technologies are

released to challenge the ones in the market.Initially, efficiency

was measured by how much work a person, or a group of people can do in a specific amount of

time.Transportation has also been

improved and people can move from city at fast speeds.With the many improvements in technology,

everyone is rushing to have a taste of the efficiency and speed it promises.Technology has become one of the most important elements in today's societies

and its role in our lives keeps getting complex.Today new innovations become obsolete

fast.In a few months, a piece of technology can be

released to the market and almost immediately rival companies will as well release theirs.Nothing seems to survive this fast paced world and unless

one maintains the pace and moves with the wave, they get left behind.Employers employ less people and employees do a lot less

for more money.Technology nowadays also denotes speed.Daily business transactions are currently, done faster than

ever before.Researchers have also made

huge strides in their search for life away from earth.While we jump

and make merry whenever we see new improvements, it is also essential that we seek to maintain

our human nature.This article will, therefore, assess how people describe technology today.Currently, people are able to perform certain things

with ease and faster than ever before.Technology is indeed revolutionary but it should also never change who we are

as people.First of all, people describe technology as ever-changing.In conclusion, the world is introduced to new and mind-blowing ideas every day.

Original text

Currently, the world depends on technology and everyone from the young to the old seem to be

deeply involved. Technology has become one of the most important elements in today’s societies

and its role in our lives keeps getting complex. It is true that it has impacted all sectors of the

society and even helped to increase efficiency and effectiveness. However, some people also say

that it induces laziness and can cause people to focus more on the fun side of it (social media,

streaming movies and videos) instead of working and using one’s time well. While the above is

true in some people, one cannot dispute the fact that technology has helped to improve our lives

and to change things for the better. The integration of technological innovations into different

facets of our lives has indeed helped to transform the world and to improve efficiency in almost

everything we do. Technology takes different forms and nowadays people provide various

descriptions about it and a majority of these are dependent on what or how it has been effective in

one’s job. This article will, therefore, assess how people describe technology today.

First of all, people describe technology as ever-changing. Today new innovations become obsolete

fast. People have become increasingly competitive and every year, new ideas and technologies are

released to challenge the ones in the market. In a few months, a piece of technology can be

released to the market and almost immediately rival companies will as well release theirs.

Technological ideas keep getting unleashed as the world becomes more involved in exploring and

utilizing the resources nature provides. Nothing seems to survive this fast paced world and unless

one maintains the pace and moves with the wave, they get left behind.

Secondly, technology nowadays is improvement of efficiency. Efficiency simply denotes being

effective or conducting oneself in a way that completely depicts one’s input. Initially, efficiency

was measured by how much work a person, or a group of people can do in a specific amount of

time. However, the advent of technology and the improvement of the manual systems to automatic

meant that more could be achieved with less people. With technological improvements getting

churned out every day, people have managed to do a lot more work with a lot less effort.

Companies have also been able to reduce the cost of working which means that profits have

increased significantly over the years. Employers employ less people and employees do a lot less

for more money.

Technology nowadays also denotes speed. Currently, people are able to perform certain things

with ease and faster than ever before. Daily business transactions are currently, done faster than

ever before. With improvement in Internet speeds, people have been able to converse and conduct

meetings with their counterparts from different parts of the world. Transportation has also been

improved and people can move from city at fast speeds. With the invention of bullet trains, people

are being transported to their areas of occupation at great speeds. Researchers have also made

huge strides in their search for life away from earth. With the many improvements in technology,

everyone is rushing to have a taste of the efficiency and speed it promises.

In conclusion, the world is introduced to new and mind-blowing ideas every day. While we jump

and make merry whenever we see new improvements, it is also essential that we seek to maintain

our human nature. Technology is indeed revolutionary but it should also never change who we are

as people.

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