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Initially, who is the manager?Additionally, the beginning of Mr. Douglas in UAE was in 2000.

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Initially, who is the manager? A manager is an individual of any organization who is responsible of carrying out the four important functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling or a person who performs his duties at work and organizes his staff to work consistently and gives them important functions in the company. But, which is the leading either beneficial or negative ways and does not play its role effectively. Regarding this matter we've interviewed a manager with Mr. Douglas Henderson, He is a British guy specifically from Scotland. Additionally, the beginning of Mr. Douglas in UAE was in 2000. Moreover, He started working in education since 1983 and now works in the HCT of AAWS. Then, he began his career in this organization in 2004. HCT is one of the best colleges in UAE there are 17 campuses of HCT all around UAE. In this faculty, there are Bachelor of applied science, prepared by their specialties: education, business administration majoring in human resources, accounting, engineering, and CIS in programming and security. He joined HCT as a teacher so he has a teaching background, then he became a supervisor and he have been able to develop his skills in supervising and managing. Furthermore, he is the manager in advising and services here in Alain women's colleges.

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