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I once unplugged the TV for a month.I can play DVDS on my laptop, sO when a blizzard was on ite way, I lined up in a video store with everybody else.It was summer, the season of long walks, barbecues, and reruns.But I knew if I really wanted to prove I could avoid evening television, l'd have to survive a New England winter without it. In the darkest, coldest months, I would no longer be able to escape.I considered buying a small TV to keep in the closet and bring out on special occasions.1.|

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I once unplugged the TV for a month. It was summer, the season of long walks, barbecues, and reruns. But I knew if I really wanted to prove I could avoid evening television, l'd have to survive a New England winter without it. In the darkest, coldest months, I would no longer be able to escape. This winter, I had my test. 1. A year ago I moved into my own place. It was just a few minutes away from my former roommate-and her television. Friends offered me a spare TV, but I said no. Living alone was an opportunity to choose how I wanted to live. And I thought that being TV-free would help me do all those things I wanted to do but didn't have time for. | wondered if I would feel lonely, but decided it would be 3 better not to try to spend time with my "friends" on TV. In the first month or so, I got away from my favorite shows by visiting real friends. Eventually, I didn't know what TV shows were on when. I could no longer join in conversations at my office about popular shows. I kept telling people it was an experiment: "We'll see how it goes this winter," l'd say. I considered buying a small TV to keep in the closet and bring out on special occasions. But for all I was missing, I could feel positive changes. I found myself reading lots of books. I had thought that I was too tired to read after a long day at work, but not too tired to watch TV. Now I had more time to read and sleep. I also started doing volunteer work almost every week instead of every few months. I called friends who usually heard from me only at the holidays Sometimes I even enjoyed that rare thing called quiet 4. The goal wasn't to give up all entertainment. I can play DVDS on my laptop, sO when a blizzard was on ite way, I lined up in a video store with everybody else.

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