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The results of this integrative review should be considered in light of the review's limitations and strengths.The first limitation is that only the term multimorbidity was searched.

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The results of this integrative review should be considered in light of the review's limitations and strengths. The first limitation is that only the term multimorbidity was searched. While this concept was the focus of the review, a broadening of the search to include “multiple chronic conditions” may have differently informed the reconceptualization and included more nurse authors (Ploeg et al., 2017; Roberto, Gigliotti, & Husser, 2005). This approach also resulted in a small sample size for the grey literature as multiple chronic conditions was the more prevalent terminology in this genre of literature (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2011). Second, the inclusion of only the primary article in a series of papers may have resulted in the exclusion of relevant literature (Dattalo et al., 2012). Finally, the exclusion of the cross‐sectional study design meant that research employing this design that explored the social determinants of health was excluded (Jerliu, Toci, Burazeri, Ramadani, & Brand, 2013; Khanam et al., 2011).

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