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Hip Arthritis Treatment
Treatment options for hip arthritis vary depending on the type and stage of the disease, your age, severity of pain and other factors.
While doctors can’t reverse cartilage loss, there are ways to improve pain and prevent further damage.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Hip Arthritis
Activity modifications may help reduce painful flare-ups. Avoid activities that aggravate hip arthritis, such as running, jumping and other high-impact exercises.
Lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss, can help reduce stress on the hip joint.
Physical therapy exercises can help improve strength in the hip. Engaging in low-impact exercises and activities, such as swimming and cycling, and remaining physically active are key to managing hip arthritis symptoms.
Heating pads can help soothe inflammation in the hip.
Medications and injections, such as corticosteroid injections, hyaluronic acid injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, vitamin and mineral supplements, and immunosuppressive or biologic medicines can help control pain and inflammation. Which medications will work best depends on the type of arthritis.
Walking aids such as a cane or walker provide support when walking.
Surgery for Hip Arthritis
The progression of hip arthritis and effectiveness of various nonsurgical treatments varies.
If nonsurgical options don’t provide the desired pain relief and your quality of life suffers, it may be time to consider surgical options, such as:

Hip replacement surgery, or hip arthroplasty, is a procedure to replace one or both ends of a damaged hip joint with artificial implants.
Hip fusion is a procedure to fuse the bones of the hip joint together. It used to be the standard surgical treatment for hip arthritis before replacement surgeries became available, but is now a last-resort treatment as it severely impacts mobility.

Original text

Hip Arthritis Treatment
Treatment options for hip arthritis vary depending on the type and stage of the disease, your age, severity of pain and other factors. While doctors can’t reverse cartilage loss, there are ways to improve pain and prevent further damage.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Hip Arthritis
Activity modifications may help reduce painful flare-ups. Avoid activities that aggravate hip arthritis, such as running, jumping and other high-impact exercises.
Lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss, can help reduce stress on the hip joint.
Physical therapy exercises can help improve strength in the hip. Engaging in low-impact exercises and activities, such as swimming and cycling, and remaining physically active are key to managing hip arthritis symptoms.
Heating pads can help soothe inflammation in the hip.
Medications and injections, such as corticosteroid injections, hyaluronic acid injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, vitamin and mineral supplements, and immunosuppressive or biologic medicines can help control pain and inflammation. Which medications will work best depends on the type of arthritis.
Walking aids such as a cane or walker provide support when walking.
Surgery for Hip Arthritis
The progression of hip arthritis and effectiveness of various nonsurgical treatments varies. If nonsurgical options don’t provide the desired pain relief and your quality of life suffers, it may be time to consider surgical options, such as:

Hip replacement surgery, or hip arthroplasty, is a procedure to replace one or both ends of a damaged hip joint with artificial implants.
Hip fusion is a procedure to fuse the bones of the hip joint together. It used to be the standard surgical treatment for hip arthritis before replacement surgeries became available, but is now a last-resort treatment as it severely impacts mobility.

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