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Technology always develops within the context of a human culture and it is intimately connected with people and their wants and needs.o As industries are usually based in urban areas, the pattern of population distribution also changes, with increasing numbers of people living in towns and cities and fewer living in the [email protected]

o The printing press was created in response to demands from a culture was used to spread new ideas in science, technology and learning and to change cultural [email protected]


o Industrialization is a process in which the general pattern of employment in a country changes from one where most people work in agriculture to one where most people work in [email protected]

Original text

Technology always develops within the context of a human culture and it is
intimately connected with people and their wants and needs.
• This means that the products of technology can reflect ideas and values
from within a culture.
• At the same time, the technological products and innovations can influence
the values and ideas within a culture.

[email protected]

• The printing press was created in response to demands from a
culture was used to spread new ideas in science, technology and
learning and to change cultural changes.

[email protected]


• Industrialization is a process in which the general pattern of
employment in a country changes from one where most people work
in agriculture to one where most people work in industry.
• As industries are usually based in urban areas, the pattern of
population distribution also changes, with increasing numbers of
people living in towns and cities and fewer living in the countryside.

[email protected]
The impact of new technologies

[email protected]
The impact of new technologies

• The introduction of a new technology can have many effects beyond
the actual activity in which the technology is used.
• For example, the invention of the animal-drawn plough in ancient
times would certainly have made the job of ploughing a field a great
deal easier.
• It would also have brought greater areas of land under cultivation,
leading to an increase in food production.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


•Discuss how new technologies have increased cultural
exchange and
• describe some of the effects of these exchanges.

[email protected]

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