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Forty-seven percent of registered voters say President Donald Trump deserves credit for the United States' booming economy, according to a Harvard-Harris poll released -Wednesday.The survey was taken nearly a week after former President Barack Obama took credit for the economic gains made during Trump's time in office.Only 21 percent of respondents said they thought Obama was responsible for the current state of the economy.

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Forty-seven percent of registered voters say President Donald Trump deserves credit for the United States' booming economy, according to a Harvard-Harris poll released ­Wednesday.

The survey was taken nearly a week after former President Barack Obama took credit for the economic gains made during Trump's time in office. Only 21 percent of respondents said they thought Obama was responsible for the current state of the economy.

During a speech in Las Vegas on Oct. 22, Obama urged listeners to "remember who started it" when they hear about the economy improving, per RealClear Politics.

Trump earlier Wednesday touted economic gains under his leadership after the White House claimed that more than 160 companies pledged to create nearly 6.4 million new career opportunities for Americans since his signing of an executive order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.

The Harvard-Harris poll also found:

48 percent said the American economy is on the right track, compared to 38 percent who say it is on the wrong track.
57 percent said they approve of the job Trump is doing on the economy compared to 43 percent who said they disagree.
The survey was conducted online within the United States from Oct. 26-28, 2018 among 1,835 registered voters by The Harris Poll.

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