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Linguistics is the scientific study of language.A linguist might aim to provide an accurate and complete
description of a particular language, or focus on a particular aspect
of a language, such as an area of grammar or pronunciation
As well as being interested in language structure, linguists also study
the way that language is used, and this can cover a very broad range
of Subjects a language is central to so many areas of human
activity.Phonology, on the other
hand, is the idea of the sound systems and patterns within a

Original text

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Linguists observe
patterns within or across languages to try to understand how we
produce, comprehend, and use language. Linguists describe and
analyze language-_ for example, how language is learned and used
by speakers, how languages change, evolve, die, or emerge. How
languages are similar or different to each other.
A linguist might aim to provide an accurate and complete
description of a particular language, or focus on a particular aspect
of a language, such as an area of grammar or pronunciation
As well as being interested in language structure, linguists also study
the way that language is used, and this can cover a very broad range
of Subjects a language is central to so many areas of human
If we consider the components of linguistics, the main branches of
linguistics can be grouped according to their focus on sound,
structure, and meaning. Phonetics, for example, involves the
detailed analysis of speech sounds, how they're produced and
perceived, and how they can be analyzed. Phonology, on the other
hand, is the idea of the sound systems and patterns within a

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