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The Human Resource can be moved in 3 ways
1.Relocating without time expense (default)

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The Human Resource can be moved in 3 ways

  1. Relocating without time expense (default)

  2. Walking

  3. Walking along a network
    The first option is used when walking times or transport times are negligible in the problem. When using thesecond option, time used for transport as a consequence of the distance between two locations without worryingabout how the route is covered. With the last option, the Human Resource moves over a network of paths andjunctions. This is intended for situations such as order pickers in warehouse aisles, but also for vehicles such asforklifts and AGV’s, which are simulated in Chapter 11 with Transporters.
    The complexity of the behavior of movement clearly increases with option one to three. As a designer ofsimulation models, always question whether adding transport times and transport networks are relevant withinthe framework of the problem!

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