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Daniel Tammet and Stephen Wiltshire are two gifted young Englishmen who suffer from forms of autism.Wiltshire has an ability to draw complicatrd images after seeing them only ance, while Tammet has an amazing aptitude for remembering numbers.And best of all: they both seem happy with their lives.

Original text

Daniel Tammet and Stephen Wiltshire are two gifted young Englishmen who suffer from forms of autism. These men have one thing in common _ they are able to remember large a mounts of information _ but their talents are very different. Wiltshire has an ability to draw complicatrd images after seeing them only ance, while Tammet has an amazing aptitude for remembering numbers. They have both appeared on television programmes, which helped make them famous, and both published books. while Tammet and Wiltshire experienced difficulties during their childhood, their great achievements are now recognised by the public. And best of all: they both seem happy with their lives.

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