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Sure!Lastly, effective firms are characterised by their managers' ability on treading paths never walked before while taking necessary precautions.Hence, for productivity to increase in a firm, the management has to create an environment where each employee will want more regardless of their duties hence innovation is encouraged.In addition, it calls for persistence among entrepreneurs when faced with difficulties hence never stopping the original course which they wanted to undertake.Business success requires good leadership that would foresee the future market and position their companies.

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Sure! Business success requires good leadership that would foresee the future market and position their companies. In addition, it calls for persistence among entrepreneurs when faced with difficulties hence never stopping the original course which they wanted to undertake. Moreover, it is important to note that in order to be more efficient as an organization there should be a good relationship between worker themselves so that they can be able to motivate one another. Under a situation where there are many people working together, it becomes easier for everyone including bosses themselves to agree on things because there is unity because no one will obey orders. Hence, for productivity to increase in a firm, the management has to create an environment where each employee will want more regardless of their duties hence innovation is encouraged. Lastly, effective firms are characterised by their managers’ ability on treading paths never walked before while taking necessary precautions.

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