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In conclusion, the investigation of similes found in Quranic verses reveals the
complex linguistic characteristics and purposes of these rhetorical devices within the
text.Additionally, it is hypothesized that the
language structure of Quranic similes adheres to certain patterns that enhance their
rhetorical effectiveness.This involved the identification of the various types
of similes employed, the analysis of their structural patterns, the exploration of their
semantic and rhetorical impacts, and the comprehension of their role in conveying
meaning within the context of the Quran.

Original text

In conclusion, the investigation of similes found in Quranic verses reveals the
complex linguistic characteristics and purposes of these rhetorical devices within the
text. Through an examination of similes found in Parts Twenty-ninth and Thirty of
the Holy Quran, this research clarifies the unique literary characteristics of the Quran
and its adept use of imagery to effectively communicate complex concepts and
emotions in a simple and impactful manner. The study defined the objectives of the
research, encompassing the examination of linguistic characteristics and functions
of similes in verses of the Quran. This involved the identification of the various types
of similes employed, the analysis of their structural patterns, the exploration of their
semantic and rhetorical impacts, and the comprehension of their role in conveying
meaning within the context of the Quran. The proposed hypotheses propose that
similes in Quranic text serve the purpose of communicating complex ideas and
eliciting emotional reactions in readers. Additionally, it is hypothesized that the
language structure of Quranic similes adheres to certain patterns that enhance their
rhetorical effectiveness.

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