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Estragon and Vladimir ponder the potential benefit of Godot's arrival but come
"A terrible cry" heralds the entrance of Lucky, a silent, baggage-burdened slave with a rope tied around his neck, and Pozzo, his pompous and imperious master, who holds the other end and stops now to rest.Lucky's dance, "the Net", is clumsy and shuffling; Lucky's "thinking" is a long-winded and disjointed monologue it is the first and only time that Lucky speaks. The soliloquy begins as a relatively coherent and academic lecture on theology but quickly dissolves into mindless verbosity, escalating in both volume and speed, that agonizes the others until Vladimir
to no definite conclusions. provides a carrot (among a collection of turnips), at which Estragon idly gnaws, loudly reiterating their boredom. finally pulls off Lucky's hat, stopping him in mid-sentence. Pozzo then has Lucky pack up his bags, and they leave at last. Vladimir and Estragon, alone again, reflect on whether they have met Pozzo and Lucky before. A boy then arrives, purporting to be a messenger sent from Godot to tell the pair that Godot will not be coming that "evening but surely tomorrow.During Vladimir's interrogation of the boy, he asks if he came the day before, making it apparent that the two men have been waiting for an indefinite period and will likely continue.After the boy departs, the moon appears and the two men decide to leave to find shelter for the night, but they merely stand without moving.

Original text

The play opens on an outdoor scene of two bedraggled companions: the pensive(pondering) Vladimir and the struggling Estragon who cannot remove his boots from his ailing feet, finally muttering "Nothing to be done." Vladimir takes up the thought, while Estragon vaguely remembers having been beaten the night before. Finally, his boots come off and the pair rambles and bickers pointlessly. When Estragon suddenly decides to leave, Vladimir reminds him that they must stay and wait for Godot—a segment of dialogue that repeats often. Unfortunately, the pair cannot agree on where or when to meet with this Godot. They only know that they are supposed to wait at a tree, and there is indeed a leafless one nearby.

Estragon soon dozes off and Vladimir rouses him but then stops him before he can share his dreams—another recurring motif. Estragon wants to hear an old joke, which Vladimir cannot finish, since a kidney ailment painfully urges him to urinate whenever he starts laughing. Estragon next suggests that they hang themselves, but they abandon the idea when the logistics seem ineffective. Estragon and Vladimir ponder the potential benefit of Godot's arrival but come
"A terrible cry" heralds the entrance of Lucky, a silent, baggage-burdened slave with a rope tied around his neck, and Pozzo, his pompous and imperious master, who holds the other end and stops now to rest. Pozzo barks abusive orders at the slave, while acting civilly, though tersely, towards the other two, who are altogether dumbfounded. Pozzo enjoys chicken and wine without any sharing, before casting the bones to the ground. Estragon gleefully claims the bones, much to Vladimir's embarrassment, and Vladimir abruptly blows up at Pozzo for his mistreatment of Lucky. Pozzo ignores this and explains his intention to sell Lucky, who begins to cry. Pozzo presents a handkerchief for the pitying Estragon to wipe away Lucky's tears, but Lucky kicks Estragon in the shin. Pozzo then becomes maudlin and offers Vladimir and Estragon some compensation for their company. Estragon begins to beg for money when Pozzo instead suggests that Lucky can "dance" and "think" for their entertainment. Lucky's dance, "the Net", is clumsy and shuffling; Lucky's "thinking" is a long-winded and disjointed monologue it is the first and only time that Lucky speaks. The soliloquy begins as a relatively coherent and academic lecture on theology but quickly dissolves into mindless verbosity, escalating in both volume and speed, that agonizes the others until Vladimir
to no definite conclusions.
provides a carrot (among a collection of turnips), at which Estragon idly gnaws, loudly reiterating their boredom.

finally pulls off Lucky's hat, stopping him in mid-sentence. Pozzo then has Lucky pack up his bags, and they leave at last.
Vladimir and Estragon, alone again, reflect on whether they have met Pozzo and Lucky before. A boy then arrives, purporting to be a messenger sent from Godot to tell the pair that Godot will not be coming that "evening but surely tomorrow. During Vladimir's interrogation of the boy, he asks if he came the day before, making it apparent that the two men have been waiting for an indefinite period and will likely continue. After the boy departs, the moon appears and the two men decide to leave to find shelter for the night, but they merely stand without moving.

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