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Seatrest and Backrest
Seatrest and Backrest are manufactured from polyurethane material in aluminum molds which are designed in accordance to the human anatomy and have the standart of 50 +- 10% densty and Mvss 302 fire behaviour.Upholstery
The upholstery fabric is 100% polyester, has resistant to friction, non-flammable and have fastness properties.Foot and Armrest
The legs are made of 18 mm mdf material and covered with laminated fabric The armrest is made of polished wooden from beech material.The Seatrest will have a gravity-centered mechanism that will allow it to close automatically.Seatrest and backrest are covered with whole specified properties fabric.
Seatrest and Backrest
Seatrest and Backrest are manufactured from polyurethane material in aluminum molds which are designed in accordance to the human anatomy and have the standart of 50 ± 10% densty and Mvss 302 fire behaviour. Seatrest and Backrest have a durable inner skeleton made of metal profile. There will be ridge on the surface of the backrest sponges that will allow the back to breathe and will massage the back at a height of approximately 1 cm throughout the entire surface. The Seatrest will have a gravity-centered mechanism that will allow it to close automatically.
Foot and Armrest
The legs are made of 18 mm mdf material and covered with laminated fabric The armrest is made of polished wooden from beech material. The Armrests between the seats that are installated in sequentially are used in common. Armrests between the seats are used as a common. Connection parts of the seats to the floor are made of 6 mm sheet metal. The seats are fixed to the floor with double legs and suitable fasteners.
The upholstery fabric is 100% polyester, has resistant to friction, non-flammable and have fastness properties. Friction Strength: 60,000 cycles. Weight: 285 gr / m2. Seatrest and backrest are covered with whole specified properties fabric.
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