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?????William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper" from Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience utilizes contrasting metaphors to portray the childhood experience of chimney sweeps. Songs of Innocence (Childlike Innocence):

Metaphor of Freedom: The speaker, a young chimney sweep, compares his past happiness to being "happy upon the heath," a metaphor for open space and carefree existence.The heath symbolizes a life unburdened by the harsh realities of child and contrast William
Blake's Chimney Sweepers from and Songs of Experience.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..???????????????????????????

Original text

يمكنك الاطّلاع على آخر التعديلات التي أُجريت في مركز الخصوصية على "تطبيقات Gemini" يفتح الرابط في نافذة جديدة..
محادثة مع Gemini
صورة الملف الشخصي
compare and contrast William
Blake’s Chimney Sweepers from and Songs of Experience.
In Metaphor
عرض المسودّات

William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper" from Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience utilizes contrasting metaphors to portray the childhood experience of chimney sweeps.

Songs of Innocence (Childlike Innocence):

Metaphor of Freedom: The speaker, a young chimney sweep, compares his past happiness to being "happy upon the heath," a metaphor for open space and carefree existence. The heath symbolizes a life unburdened by the harsh realities of child labor.
Songs of Experience (Loss of Innocence):

Metaphor of Entrapment: The speaker, now more aware of his situation, uses a dark metaphor. He describes his clothes as "the clothes of death," suggesting his profession is suffocating and steals his childhood.
Contrast Creates Impact:

By using contrasting metaphors, Blake highlights the loss of innocence. The "heath" (Songs of Innocence) transforms into "clothes of death" (Songs of Experience), signifying the crushing weight of reality upon the child's spirit.

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