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Hard skills are technical knowledge or training that you have gained through any life experience, including in your career or education.The NCARB maintains the Architectural Registration Examination, a series of tests required of architects that test different technical skills necessary for the work.The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards also requires architects to be licensed.If you've taken an accounting class, you may know how to use Microsoft Excel.Many other industries have such tests in place, requiring prior knowledge and skills essential for career success.

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Hard skills are technical knowledge or training that you have gained through any life experience, including in your career or education. For example:

If you’ve worked in food service or retail, you may know how to use a point-of-sale system.
If you've taken an accounting class, you may know how to use Microsoft Excel.
If you’ve studied a foreign language, you may be able to speak it fluently.
Every job will require certain technical skills specific to that industry. If you want to work as an architect, for example, you will need to know how to use drafting software. The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards also requires architects to be licensed. The NCARB maintains the Architectural Registration Examination, a series of tests required of architects that test different technical skills necessary for the work.

Many other industries have such tests in place, requiring prior knowledge and skills essential for career success. Other employers may have the availability to teach certain technical skills on the job.

You can learn more about the requirements of different jobs and the skills employers are looking for on Career Paths.

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