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Exploring the ocean and space are important
for advancing our world, but which one is
more important and has greater benefits?

While space exploration is fascinating and can
lead to major scientific developments, it is
very costly.
On the other hand, the ocean has
already provided us with medicine and produces oxygen.
Additionally, exploring the ocean can lead to practical benefits
like food, jobs, and fuel.

Overall, it is clearly better to give more attention, time, and
money to explore the ocean than outer space. It is cheaper and
more useful.
Exploring oceans can bring more benefits in many
ways than any benefit from space exploration.

Original text

Exploring the ocean and space are important
for advancing our world, but which one is
more important and has greater benefits?
While space exploration is fascinating and can
lead to major scientific developments, it is
very costly. On the other hand, the ocean has
already provided us with medicine and produces oxygen.
Additionally, exploring the ocean can lead to practical benefits
like food, jobs, and fuel.
Overall, it is clearly better to give more attention, time, and
money to explore the ocean than outer space. It is cheaper and
more useful. Exploring oceans can bring more benefits in many
ways than any benefit from space exploration.

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