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While many people nowadays like to travel alone by contending that their trip will be more comfortable as they can do whatever that they want to, I still believe that traveling with a group is better.Planning a trip is not a simple task because, even before the departure day, traveler will have to make a lot of decisions and reservations such as booking a hotel, selecting a flight, and scheduling a trip.Third, a group will make the trip more convenient and enjoyable because there are so many simple activities that can be done easier and happier with friends, for instance, resting in a car while one is driving, chatting whenever we want to, taking a great non-selfie photograph, and even going to a toilet while other are taking care for our belongings.In this essay, I will discuss reasons and examples to support my viewpoint.If we have a group of people, then the tasks can be distributed among people.

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While many people nowadays like to travel alone by contending that their trip will be more comfortable as they can do whatever that they want to, I still believe that traveling with a group is better. In this essay, I will discuss reasons and examples to support my viewpoint.

To begin with, people in a group can help each other to plan a good trip. Planning a trip is not a simple task because, even before the departure day, traveler will have to make a lot of decisions and reservations such as booking a hotel, selecting a flight, and scheduling a trip. If we have a group of people, then the tasks can be distributed among people. On the other hand, if we decide to travel alone, then we will also have to complete those tasks alone.

Second, the expense per person for a trip will be reduced when more people join the trip because the same rate of charge will be shared among the group. For example, when renting a vehicle, a person in a group of four people will have to pay only a quarter of the renting cost instead of a full of charge when driving the car alone. Other expenses such as hotel rental, food cost, and even some ticket cost are also be lower when purchased by a group of people.

Third, a group will make the trip more convenient and enjoyable because there are so many simple activities that can be done easier and happier with friends, for instance, resting in a car while one is driving, chatting whenever we want to, taking a great non-selfie photograph, and even going to a toilet while other are taking care for our belongings. The trip will also be even more memorable when we, later, spend times with friends taking about the adventure that be taken together.

In conclusion, I suggest that people go on a holiday with a group because the trip will be more convenient, cheaper, and more enjoyable.

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