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Clean working is a topic
time and time again and for very good reason.

the benefit and how to keep clean during the mise en place period of your workday, and 'll be sharing with you my top tips on how to do that.
(The importance of clean working )
When you're a junior chef, you might be responsible for this one station.
When you're a chef de partie, you might be responsible for this whole section, and when you're the big puff daddy of the kitchen, you're responsible for every section but at every step of the way it is your top priority to keep everything clean, tidy, and hygienic. Having everything in its place, having everything clean and tidy minimizes chaos because things are gonna get hot in here. People are interested in chefs these days, you know.
We see this proliferation of open kitchens with people there Instagramming, doing their thing.
Some people wanna come into the kitchen, meet the chef, All the more reason that we keep clean, sanitized, tidy workstation at all times. oh hello welcome to the kitchen.
(How to keep your workstation clean and ordered)
-Keep sanitizer and a cloth close.
-Use bowls to collect ingredients and waste.
-Remove clutter.
-Give everything a home.
-When you're cooking everything goes back to its place.
You clean the same way, you chop the same way, you dice the same way, you say oui chef the same way every time.
Alastair's takeaway tips .
It's so important in a kitchen to be clean,
kepp clean
keep everything in its correct place
work tidy for success with regards to cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen.

Original text

Clean working is a topic
time and time again and for very good reason.
the benefit and how to keep clean during the mise en place period of your workday, and 'll be sharing with you my top tips on how to do that.
(The importance of clean working )
When you're a junior chef, you might be responsible for this one station.
When you're a chef de partie, you might be responsible for this whole section, and when you're the big puff daddy of the kitchen, you're responsible for every section but at every step of the way it is your top priority to keep everything clean, tidy, and hygienic. Having everything in its place, having everything clean and tidy minimizes chaos because things are gonna get hot in here. People are interested in chefs these days, you know.
We see this proliferation of open kitchens with people there Instagramming, doing their thing.
Some people wanna come into the kitchen, meet the chef, All the more reason that we keep clean, sanitized, tidy workstation at all times. oh hello welcome to the kitchen.
(How to keep your workstation clean and ordered)
-Keep sanitizer and a cloth close.
-Use bowls to collect ingredients and waste.
-Remove clutter.
-Give everything a home.
-When you're cooking everything goes back to its place.
You clean the same way, you chop the same way, you dice the same way, you say oui chef the same way every time.
Alastair's takeaway tips .
It's so important in a kitchen to be clean,
kepp clean
keep everything in its correct place
work tidy for success with regards to cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen.

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