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It Seems that technology can effect on students negatively and positively and overall well-being .

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It Seems that technology can effect on students negatively and positively and overall well-being . In today's digital age, where , laptops, ipad and all of these technologies can effect the students in a bad way or it could be in a good way , there are so many advantages and disadvantages , "How does the pervasive use of technology among students impact their academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being, and what strategies can be implemented to ensure that technology serves as a tool for empowerment rather than a source of distraction or detriment?" . The impact of technology on students varies, and well-being. While it offers resources for learning and communication, excessive use can lead to distraction and disengagement. Striking a balance and promoting mindful usage is crucial to maximize its benefits while minimizing negative effects. Educators and parents must collaborate to instill healthy tech habits and ensure technology serves as a catalyst for student growth.

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