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Scientists have been looking at techniques such as cloud-seeding and the first annual grant of US$5 million has been awarded to researchers seeking solutions.Research shows that rain-enhancement projects have improved UAE crop yields by 5 per cent, she said.A common technique in rain enhancement is cloud seeding, where chemicals are used to extract more moisture from clouds.But the method has been largely stagnant, extracting only 30 per cent more water."By improving the science behind it we can improve our food production."

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Scientists have been looking at techniques such as cloud-seeding and the first annual grant of US$5 million has been awarded to researchers seeking solutions.

“Rain enhancement is a possible solution to water security, which is in turn related to national security because it entails food issues,” said Alya Al Mazroui, manager of the Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science.

“By improving the science behind it we can improve our food production.”

A common technique in rain enhancement is cloud seeding, where chemicals are used to extract more moisture from clouds. But the method has been largely stagnant, extracting only 30 per cent more water.

“We are looking for more efficient solutions to increase the numbers as a source,” said Ms Al Mazroui.

Research shows that rain-enhancement projects have improved UAE crop yields by 5 per cent, she said.

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