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He got on his motorcycle and decided to rob the grocery store located at the end of the street.Indeed, the seller carried out the order, which made the thief feel proud, so he snatched a bag of crackers before leaving the store, and drove his motorcycle and revealed his face covering, opened the bag of crackers and poured some of them in his mouth.The criminal went towards the exact location of his crime and waited until the middle of the night, and the passers-by began to disappear completely From the street, the criminal put his face covering, entered the shop and pointed his weapon in the face of the seller.

Original text

He got on his motorcycle and decided to rob the grocery store located at the end of the street. He needed money to buy drugs, and he didn't care because the owner of the store and the poor seller also needed this money for their children. The criminal went towards the exact location of his crime and waited until the middle of the night, and the passers-by began to disappear completely From the street, the criminal put his face covering, entered the shop and pointed his weapon in the face of the seller. The owner of the shop was inside the shop, and he immediately asked the seller to take out the money inside the drawer and give it to this thief so that he can leave immediately. Indeed, the seller carried out the order, which made the thief feel proud, so he snatched a bag of crackers before leaving the store, and drove his motorcycle and revealed his face covering, opened the bag of crackers and poured some of them in his mouth. And before he went off, he heard the sirens sounding in the area, so he got on his bike and ran at full speed before the police came to arrest him, and all that was going on in his head at that time was one thing that he wanted to quickly go to the drug dealer to buy poisons with the booty he got. The thief was walking at full speed under the darkness of the night and he turned back to see if the police were behind him. He did not notice the lamppost that suddenly appeared in front of him, so he could not apply the brakes in time and hit the pole with full force. He flew in the air and then fell to the ground with full force and his head hit the ground hard, and immediately he passed away, so that his last work in this world would be theft and intimidation of security.

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