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Deadlock refers to the coordination and concurrency problem where two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for the release of a shared resource [1], [2]. The deadlock problem involves a circular waiting where one or more transactions are waiting for resources to become available and those resources are held by some other transactions that are in turn blocked until resources held by the first transaction are released. [3, 4].Deadlock processes never terminate their executions and the resources held by them are not available to any other process.

Original text

Deadlock refers to the coordination and concurrency problem where two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for the release of a shared resource [1], [2]. The deadlock problem involves a circular waiting where one or more transactions are waiting for resources to become available and those resources are held by some other transactions that are in turn blocked until resources held by the first transaction are released. [3, 4].Deadlock processes never terminate their executions and the resources held by them are not available to any other process.

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