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The alarm rings and I wake up....Well that's a nutshell of how the corona virus affected me. There have been huge effects on the global economy and world population.Then again, the work by our country's frontline workers, the doctors, nurses, lab technicians, policemen, teachers, shopkeepers etc.I am aware that taking precautions, like wearing masks, gloves, avoiding unnecessary travels, practicing social distancing and staying home will keep us safe.As we all know the novel corona virus has unleashed a massive scale worldwide scare and lockdown of many things, we considered usual and took for granted.Washing our hands regularly with soap and the use of sanitizers has increased which I think is one of the positive effects of the pandemic.The ozone layer has been repairing itself faster, more plants and animals have started growing as there is less interreference from man.The lockdown in many parts of the world including our own U.A.E. has reduced the pollution to a large level and it seems Mother Nature is rejuvenating herself.Since the outbreak, the UAE has completed more than 2m tests for coronavirus in an effort to track and trace every case.Another big bother has been the wearing of these blue and white bits of fabric, masks as they are called.I totally dislike it for the fact that I can't see anyone smile anymore but yes prevention is better than cure and the only way we can protect ourselves is by breaking the chain of the coronavirus spread.One major change has been the renewed importance given to staying hygienic and clean.That's the biggest effect this coronavirus pandemic has brought into my life.Take going to school, going to the mosque to pray, going over to friend's house for a birthday party, etc.It has been online classes where we sit in front of these boring laptops all day long.It is necessary that we all wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus by droplets.We should be careful when we dispose our gloves and masks so that its is safe and thrown off properly.I have online classes.Not all effects of the pandemic have been bad.Well yes.

Original text

The alarm rings and I wake up…. hey what day is it today? I don’t remember at all. Is it a Sunday or a Monday? Do I have P.E today? Did I wash my P.E uniform? Oh no I am in big trouble today…. Wait no I don’t have school. I have online classes. Well yes. You heard me right. That’s the biggest effect this coronavirus pandemic has brought into my life.
As we all know the novel corona virus has unleashed a massive scale worldwide scare and lockdown of many things, we considered usual and took for granted. Take going to school, going to the mosque to pray, going over to friend’s house for a birthday party, etc. Gone are those days where we would sit together after class in the canteen sharing our food, holding hands and laughing with our friends.
Now we don’t go to school anymore. It has been online classes where we sit in front of these boring laptops all day long. I used to wish for days when we would not have to go to school and many times my friends and I have prayed that we could stay at home all day long. Doing that for three months now has shown me how boring that can be. I miss my friends and even though our teachers would scold us, I really miss them too.
Another big bother has been the wearing of these blue and white bits of fabric, masks as they are called. I totally dislike it for the fact that I can’t see anyone smile anymore but yes prevention is better than cure and the only way we can protect ourselves is by breaking the chain of the coronavirus spread. It is necessary that we all wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus by droplets.
Gloves are another way to protect ourselves from contamination, though its proper use is needed. We should be careful when we dispose our gloves and masks so that its is safe and thrown off properly. One major change has been the renewed importance given to staying hygienic and clean. Washing our hands regularly with soap and the use of sanitizers has increased which I think is one of the positive effects of the pandemic. People are now paying more attention to keeping the environment clean.
The lockdown in many parts of the world including our own U.A.E. has reduced the pollution to a large level and it seems Mother Nature is rejuvenating herself. The ozone layer has been repairing itself faster, more plants and animals have started growing as there is less interreference from man. Not all effects of the pandemic have been bad.
On the other hand, there has been lots of people who have suffered from effects of the corona. The first would be the people affected by the disease. Though no one in my immediate family got the disease. I was frightened to know that many people in our area had the disease. It was scary to think of what if we caught the disease. Then again, the work by our country’s frontline workers, the doctors, nurses, lab technicians, policemen, teachers, shopkeepers etc. helped me and my family to relax. We knew we were in safe hands, if we did get the disease. Since the outbreak, the UAE has completed more than 2m tests for coronavirus in an effort to track and trace every case. Many drive-through testing facilities have been set up across the country to test thousands of people a day. We are proud of how our country has faced and is fighting against the pandemic.
Well that’s a nutshell of how the corona virus affected me. There have been huge effects on the global economy and world population. Many businesses have been in loss and are trying to recover. Our leaders have given us the confidence that we will come back and our positive attitude will bring back our country to greater heights.
I am sad that I won’t be able to travel this year for my summer vacation but being safe is more important now. I am aware that taking precautions, like wearing masks, gloves, avoiding unnecessary travels, practicing social distancing and staying home will keep us safe. I hope our world recovers quickly from this pandemic and we can go back to life as we know.

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