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Rituals can have both positive and negative effects on society.Additionally, some rituals may be used to justify or legitimize harmful or oppressive practices.It's also important to note that rituals can have different meanings and effects depending on the context, culture and individual perspectives.However, when they perpetuate harmful practices or discriminate certain groups, they can be detrimental to society.On one hand, they can be positive because they serve the functions outlined in my previous response, such as creating a sense of community and providing a sense of meaning and purpose.Some rituals may be discriminatory or exclusionary, and can perpetuate social inequalities.

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Rituals can have both positive and negative effects on society. On one hand, they can be positive because they serve the functions outlined in my previous response, such as creating a sense of community and providing a sense of meaning and purpose. They can also help to regulate behavior and mark important events or milestones, which can be beneficial for society.

On the other hand, rituals can also have negative effects. Some rituals may be discriminatory or exclusionary, and can perpetuate social inequalities. Certain rituals may also be harmful or violent in nature, and can cause physical or psychological harm to individuals or groups.

Additionally, some rituals may be used to justify or legitimize harmful or oppressive practices. For example, certain religious or cultural practices may be used to justify discrimination or violence against certain groups of people. In these cases, rituals can be harmful to society and should be reconsidered.

It's also important to note that rituals can have different meanings and effects depending on the context, culture and individual perspectives. It's difficult to make a blanket statement about whether or not rituals are positive for society.

In general, rituals can be a positive force in society when they promote social cohesion, well-being, and inclusivity. However, when they perpetuate harmful practices or discriminate certain groups, they can be detrimental to society.

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