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The trade of librarian has undergone spectacular changes becoming one of the mostcomplex professions.We see, nowadays, an incontestable transformation of the professions related to
document and information.Transversal competencies areequally important in practicingtrade (such as basic competencies that are the core ofprofessional activities)
Professional training needs to be a real symbiosis between theoretical developmentand real demands of the labour market;we also need cooperation between professionalassociations and trainers.Thehuman factor, professional competence play a determining role in the social success ofinformation and documenting structures.Consecrated professions have undergone deep changes turninginto extremely narrow specialisations for certain activities.

Original text

The trade of librarian has undergone spectacular changes becoming one of the mostcomplex professions. If it has long been seen as a humane profession, the last decades haveshown it is seen more and more as a socio-technical profession since it needs mandatorylibrary and information science competencies, communication competencies, computer skills,language skills, as well as general knowledge from the most diverse fields. The trade oflibrarian is a socio-humane and technical synthesis trade.
We see, nowadays, an incontestable transformation of the professions related to
document and information. Consecrated professions have undergone deep changes turninginto extremely narrow specialisations for certain activities. Basic library activities needtechnological competencies and, in addition, new professions have emerged.
Profession changes determine the need to train proper competencies, most of whichare new competencies related to the digital environment. Transversal competencies areequally important in practicingtrade (such as basic competencies that are the core ofprofessional activities)
Professional training needs to be a real symbiosis between theoretical developmentand real demands of the labour market;we also need cooperation between professionalassociations and trainers. Access to the profession is not possible without proper training. Thehuman factor, professional competence play a determining role in the social success ofinformation and documenting structures.

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