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Brand loyalty is part of Brand Equity.The procurement model is AA, BB, and
AB, showing a loyal consumer divided between brands A and B. Third, loyal conversions - these
are customers who switch from one brand choice to another.Moreover, by remaining
loyal, consumers bring a blind perspective to other brands that may be better than selected
brands.Therefore, the purchase model
becomes AAA and BBB, which indicates that the consumer has moved from A to B to brand
purchase model is AC, EB, DB, etc.Therefore, purchasing models A, A, A, A, A, and A is the total loyal customer of brand A. They
are loyal consumers of two, loyal, two or three brands.Brand loyalty greatly affects the consumer's brand

Original text

Brand loyalty is part of Brand Equity. Brand loyalty greatly affects the consumer's brand
selection. When consumers are loyal to the brand, they regularly buy the product of that brand.
With this behavior, they can be sure what they are getting paid for. Moreover, by remaining
loyal, consumers bring a blind perspective to other brands that may be better than selected
brands. On the road, brands with loyal consumers have great advantages.
The four brand loyalties are: One, strong loyalty - these are consumers who always buy a brand.
Therefore, purchasing models A, A, A, A, A, and A is the total loyal customer of brand A. They
are loyal consumers of two, loyal, two or three brands. The procurement model is AA, BB, and
AB, showing a loyal consumer divided between brands A and B. Third, loyal conversions - these
are customers who switch from one brand choice to another. Therefore, the purchase model
becomes AAA and BBB, which indicates that the consumer has moved from A to B to brand
loyalty. Finally, Switchers - these are consumers who do not show loyalty to anyone. The
purchase model is AC, EB, DB, etc. This indicates that the consumer is vulnerable to the deal (he
bought the brand and the diversity is vulnerable. He wants something different. (Kotler, Wong,
Saunders, Armstrong, 2005). Under the influence of brand loyalty, thoughtful literature stated
that consumers continue to buy for the brand and do the job, regardless of their premium
features, price features, and the comfort of their competitors.

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