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Day surgery (outpatient or ambulatory surgery) provides high quality and efficient care for a wide range of surgical procedures, with the primary goal of achieving early recovery and patient satisfaction, while the health system benefits from lower costs.Furthermore, there is a risk of complications specific to each regional technique and the local anesthetic drug used, such as postdural puncture headache (PDPH), transient neurological symptoms, nerve damage, urinary retention, and local anesthetic toxicity.The advantages of regional anesthesia over general anesthesia include lower rates of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and postoperative discomfort, less need for analgesics, enhanced alertness, shorter stays in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), and lower expenditures.Techniques for regional anesthesia include intravenous regional anesthetic (Bier's block), local infiltration, peripheral nerve blocks, and central neuraxial blockade.Induction may also cause discomfort to the patient.

Original text

Day surgery (outpatient or ambulatory surgery) provides high quality and efficient care for a wide range of surgical procedures, with the primary goal of achieving early recovery and patient satisfaction, while the health system benefits from lower costs. In day surgery, regional anesthetic has become more and more common. The surgical site, estimated procedure length, analgesic requirements, and intended duration of postoperative pain control all influence the regional method that is used.
Techniques for regional anesthesia include intravenous regional anesthetic (Bier's block), local infiltration, peripheral nerve blocks, and central neuraxial blockade.
The advantages of regional anesthesia over general anesthesia include lower rates of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and postoperative discomfort, less need for analgesics, enhanced alertness, shorter stays in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), and lower expenditures. However, there are a number of issues connected to the choice of regional anesthetic in day surgery.
First and foremost, the patient and surgeon must actively cooperate during the regional anesthetic procedure. Additionally, when a regional approach is selected as the best option for a day surgery, a number of problems can occur, including the increased time required for block installation and execution, the prolonged recovery period for full block regression, and the delayed patient movement.
A extremely anxious patient may have trouble moving during surgery, and if the block fails, the anesthetist must be ready to switch to general anesthesia almost once. Induction may also cause discomfort to the patient.
Furthermore, there is a risk of complications specific to each regional technique and the local anesthetic drug used, such as postdural puncture headache (PDPH), transient neurological symptoms, nerve damage, urinary retention, and local anesthetic toxicity.

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