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SMES make a significant contribution to economic development via the creation of employment, technological advancement, reduction of poverty, innovation, and wealth distribution (Agyel, 2018; Ye & Kulathunga, 2019).Existing findings on these factors have generally been inconclusive (Essel, s, & Amankwah, 2019; Isaga, 2018)

Thus, this gicular study investigated the effect of significant SMEs' performance, including operation efficiency, Avallabillty of business information, access to infrastructure, and Business environment on SMEs' performance to address the gap found in the entrepreneurial literature and practice of Saudi SMES.It was noted that most Saudi SMEs randomly prepare economic feasibility studies to obtain loans and financial support, which is another major issue that contributed to the fallure of mkof nandal resources, sfficlency that influences for SMES, a lack of managerial compet projects (Tripathil, 2019).Particularly the role of operation efficiency, Avallability of business information, access to infrastructure, and Business environment in predicting SMES formance is deficient in prior studies (Karadag, 2017; Ying et al., 2019).

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SMES make a significant contribution to economic development via the creation of employment, technological advancement, reduction of poverty, innovation, and wealth distribution (Agyel, 2018; Ye & Kulathunga, 2019). SMEs that work well are essential to stability and continued economic growth. Thus, adequate resources are necessary for the growth and sustainable performance of SMES (Ying et al., 2019).

SMES' performance remains crucial because it assists the ongoing transformation of the KSA economy towards diversification (Ali, Hilman, & Gorondutse, 2020). It is important to note that the poor performance of SMEs In KSA, especially when compared with other countries, is a serious issue, and a reason for researchers to investigate the factors that influence the performance of SMES (Hilman, Ali, & Gorondutse, 2019).

It was noted that most Saudi SMEs randomly prepare economic feasibility studies to obtain loans and financial support, which is another major issue that contributed to the fallure of mkof nandal resources, sfficlency that influences for SMES, a lack of managerial compet projects (Tripathil, 2019). Besides, a series of studies have pointed out that the most critical issues affecting SMES' performance in Saudi Arabia npetency and skills, a lack of qualified labor high business.

Therefore, This research aims to explore and understand the nature of the relations between operation efficiency, Availability of business information, access to infrastructure, Business environment, and SMEs' performance. These factors must be continuously improved based on the current evidence, thus enhancing SMEs' performance in Saudi Arabla.

Particularly the role of operation efficiency, Avallability of business information, access to infrastructure, and Business environment in predicting SMES formance is deficient in prior studies (Karadag, 2017; Ying et al., 2019). Existing findings on these factors have generally been inconclusive (Essel, s, & Amankwah, 2019; Isaga, 2018)

Thus, this gicular study investigated the effect of significant SMEs' performance, including operation efficiency, Avallabillty of business information, access to infrastructure, and Business environment on SMEs' performance to address the gap found in the entrepreneurial literature and practice of Saudi SMES.

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