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the focus on blind spots, the making visible of that which was previously
invisible, will essentially and forever eradicate those blind spots' inherent
qualities and positive contribution to the urban.Thanks to our fellow Agents at
Sheffield for support and chairing of the sessions, to Dovile Botyriute,
Elizabeth Dodwell and Alexander E. Maxwell for organisational help; to
James Dacre, Kerry Dragon and Neill Grant for technical support; and to
all the fifth year and PGT students who engaged so fully in the symposium
and debate.By analysing blind spots carefully, are they
enhanced or hampered or destroyed?

Original text

the focus on blind spots, the making visible of that which was previously
invisible, will essentially and forever eradicate those blind spots’ inherent
qualities and positive contribution to the urban. Can we create designs,
structures, spaces that are open enough to accommodate, with or without
our knowledge, blind spots? By analysing blind spots carefully, are they
enhanced or hampered or destroyed? Is this a well-meaning but naïve
project and should we rather just leave them alone?

Acknowledgements: The Urban Blind Spots conference, on
which this issue of field: is based, was conceived and organised by
Florian Kossak, Tatjana Schneider and Stephen Walker. We are grateful
to the University of Sheffield for financial support in the form of a
Methodological Innovation Fund grant. Thanks to our fellow Agents at
Sheffield for support and chairing of the sessions, to Dovile Botyriute,
Elizabeth Dodwell and Alexander E. Maxwell for organisational help; to
James Dacre, Kerry Dragon and Neill Grant for technical support; and to
all the fifth year and PGT students who engaged so fully in the symposium
and debate. We would also like to thank Richard Beeby, Sheffield Library
Theatre and Events Manager, Tikka Masala Restaurant, Walkley, Mark
Parsons and Adam Park.

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